December 7, 2010

Haha, I'm having a blog.

So here we go, ishi is finally having his own blog. oh my Gucci! what the hell?! ishi is BLOGGING?! this is so not me. i never like telling stories. thats the reason why i've been so quite with people around me and only kept the story for myself. but somehow i just need to express the feeling. so maybe thats the reason i'm having this blog. to express my feelings and share stories about me and the people in my life.

Ok enough with the muqadimmah already. to start my very first story on my blog i just want to tell on about my life during this 2010. many things happen. went to Australia and New Zealand, i lost my bestfriend, i met new people, having a relationship, ending the relationship, had my internship, and the list goes on and on and on. 

Losing my bestfriend was the worst part. ='( i mean how does it feel to lost the one who you've been with everyday laughing and having good and bad times together?! sucks rite? but i believe all this happens for a reason. it teaches me something. that death could happen anytime. 'insaflah sebelum terlambat'. Well a thousand words wont bring him back, i know because i've tried. Neither will a thousand tears, i know because i've cried. And so i learn to accept the fact, that his DEATH was something not to be mad at. I've decided to make a promise to myself, that i will never get sad. =)
Here are a picture of me and him where we went to Malacca...

For the relationship, well lets just skip on this PART right here. Theres nothing interesting about this story. HAHA.! ;D

Now moving on to the part where i went to New Zealand and Australia. Actually i went there for my brother convocation. He is someone to be proud of. He is DA MAN!!!! i had the chance to go there even though it was during my exam. how lucky can i be. haha! i got a gap for about 2 weeks before my paper and surprisingly the convocation was during the gap. and there i go off to Australia and New Zealand with my parents and lil sister. i went there for about 10 days and had fun. doing things that i cant have here in Malaysia. its a secret. so i shouldn't tell. ;D 
Here are some photos during my vacation there...

The last part of the story for this entry is on my internship. at first i was like damnnnnn! boring boring boring.. waking up in the morning going to work.?! how boring can my life get?!! but what to do. internship for my degree is a must. it was for 6 months. i met new people and learn a lot there. its like two faces people are everywhere there. some are really low minded people. BUSUK HATI & DENGKI.. haiya.. why must you be like that? haha.. but overall the internship went well and i manage to survive and end it with flying colors. :P
Here are a photo with the other trainees and staffs.

Basically, thats what happen during the year 2010 in my life. Many things worth to be remember and shouldn't be forget. Hope you guys are enjoying the 1st entry (yang ado baca haaa). So until the next entry.... adioooosssss~~ 

p/s : i am not here to impress anyone. so if you don't like it its cool ┌∩┐ you.!